Arm Lift Surgery Kocaeli

Arm lift surgery Kocaeli is a plastic surgery operation performed to slim and tighten the arms. Sagging may occur in the arms of people who lose sudden and high amounts of weight. This is especially observed in patients who lose weight after bariatric surgery. However, sagging in the arms can also be seen due to reasons such as advancing age and a sedentary lifestyle.

Due to sagging arms, both men and women can limit their choice of clothes and experience self-confidence problems. Today, it is possible to get rid of these sagging in one day thanks to arm lift surgery. In the rest of this article, you can find answers to questions such as “How is arm lift surgery performed?”, “Do arm thinning and arm tightening methods work?”, “How long does arm lift surgery take?” and “What should be considered after arm lift surgery?”. You can review the rest of our article to get detailed information about Kocaeli arm lift surgery.

What is Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgery is an operation performed to remove sagging caused by excess skin tissue and fat in the arm. Arms are easily affected by weight changes. Especially in advanced ages, sagging can be seen in the arms due to this. Thanks to arm lift surgery, the arms can be tightened and an elegant arm appearance can be achieved. This operation is widely preferred by both women and men. Arm lift surgery is known as brachioplasty in medical language and can be performed together with tummy tuck, thigh lift and similar operations within the scope of post-bariatric surgery.

Why is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arms are largely composed of adipose tissue, muscles and skin tissue. Under these soft tissues are the arm bones. As the person gains weight, the volume under the skin increases and the skin begins to expand. With rapid weight loss, the skin loses the support underneath and sagging occurs. This situation can occur with advancing age and can also be seen after operations performed within the scope of bariatric surgery. Arm lift surgery is performed to eliminate arm sagging caused by the reasons we mentioned and to tighten the arms.

Who Can Have Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgery is generally preferred by individuals older than 35 to 40 years of age. However, it can also be preferred by younger patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. This operation is not recommended for people under the age of 18.

What are the Arm Slimming Methods?

In order to thin the arms, various sports can be done and personalized diet programs can be started. However, some people may have fats in their arms that are resistant to melting. If the arms do not get thinner despite regular sports and diet, operations such as arm lift can be applied.

Do Arm Tightening Exercises Work?

Arm tightening exercises can help the skin tissue in the arms to gain a new form and tighten the arms to a certain extent. However, sagging as a result of sudden and high weight loss is usually removed by surgical operations. The size of the sagging can be reduced by doing exercises that make the arms work during the weight loss process, and at the end of the weight loss process, you can have tighter arms compared to a person who has never exercised.

How Long Does Arm Lift Surgery Take?

Arm lift surgery may vary depending on the width of the area to be stretched and the scope of the surgery to be performed. The estimated duration of arm lift surgery is 1 to 3 hours. Both arms are intervened in this process.

How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia in sterile operating room conditions. In some cases, local anesthesia may also be sufficient. During the operation, the excess fat tissue in the patient’s arm is carefully removed. Fat removal can be performed by liposuction or surgical procedures. Excess skin tissue is removed to put an end to sagging. The remaining tissues are organized so that the arms have an even and harmonious appearance. The skin is then stretched to create a tight and taut arm appearance. The surgery ends after this process.

What is the Recovery Process After Arm Lift Surgery?

Patients are discharged on the same day if the surgery is performed under local anesthesia. If general anesthesia is used, they may need to stay in the hospital for 1 night. Patients who are discharged use elastic arm bands at the beginning of the healing process and then arm corsets. Within 5 to 6 days, you can return to daily life. Within 1 to 2 months, a normal sports routine can be started. In this process, care should be taken not to strain the arms too much, and doctor controls should not be disrupted.

Kocaeli Arm Lift Surgery Prices 2024

Kocaeli arm lift surgery prices may vary from person to person according to the details of the application and similar factors.