Face Lift Kocaeli
Facelift Kocaeli is an operation performed to reorganize the tissues that make up the face and to give the face a youthful appearance. The soft tissues that make up the face can be easily affected by weight changes, age and environmental factors. Due to the factors we have mentioned, they may sag and cause the person to have a much older facial appearance than they are.
Thanks to facelift aesthetics, these worn facial tissues can be reorganized and excess tissues that cause facial sagging can be removed. Thus, the person is provided with a much younger, fit and attractive face. In the rest of this article, you can find answers to curious questions such as “How is facelift surgery performed?”, “What are the processes before and after facelift surgery?”, “How long does the healing process take after facelift surgery?” and “How much does facelift surgery cost?”. You can review the rest of our article to get detailed information about Kocaeli facelift surgery.
What is Face Lift?
Facelift is a special operation in which sagging and wrinkles on the face are removed with the help of surgical procedures. This operation is also known as facelift or rhytidectomy. Thanks to facelift surgery, a youthful facial appearance can be achieved and signs of aging on the face can be eliminated.
Why is Facelift Performed?
The skin tissue that makes up the face can wear out due to reasons such as mimic use, sun exposure, use of cosmetic products and advancing age. The effects of this wear are seen as sagging, wrinkles and collapses on the face. The purpose of facelift surgery is to eliminate the aesthetic defects mentioned above. Thus, the individual can have a vigorous, young and attractive facial appearance.
At what age is facelift performed?
Facelift surgery is generally preferred by individuals between the ages of 45 and 55. Individuals at an earlier age mostly prefer filling applications and botox procedures. However, in some cases, these applications may be insufficient and facelift surgery can be performed at an earlier age.
How Long Does Facelift Surgery Take?
Facelift surgery is an operation that requires extreme care. Therefore, the duration of the operation can take 4 to 6 hours.
Is Facelift Permanent?
The gains obtained with facelift are largely permanent. However, the extent to which this permanence will be depends on the person himself/herself. In individuals who regularly do sports, take care of skin care and limit their harmful habits; the gains obtained with facelift surgery will be much more permanent. If the aforementioned situations are not taken into consideration, the gains obtained over the years may be lost.
How is Facelift Surgery Performed? How Does Facelift Surgery Work?
Facelift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and operating room conditions. The doctor makes a detailed and personalized treatment plan before surgery. Thus, all the procedures to be performed during the surgery are decided. This surgery can be performed as a full facelift surgery or mini facelift surgery. During a full facelift surgery, the entire face is intervened. Facial tissues are reorganized with special techniques. Excess fat and skin tissues are removed. The remaining skin is stretched with special sling applications and the surgery ends. Mini facelift surgery, on the other hand, is a small comprehensive operation. During mini facelift surgery, the cheek area is usually intervened. The sagging in this area is removed and the cheeks gain a lively, young and voluminous appearance.
What is the Recovery Process After Facelift Surgery?
Patients who undergo facelift surgery may need to stay under observation in the hospital for 1 night. It is also possible to be discharged on the same day. During the first few days, symptoms such as numbness and tingling may be observed on the face. These are temporary. Drains and dressings are removed within 2 to 3 days after the operation. During this period, a special face corset may need to be used upon the doctor’s recommendation. You can return to daily life and work within a week. However, full recovery may take up to 2 months.
How Many Days Does Facelift Surgery Heal?
Within 7 to 10 days, edema goes down to a great extent, swelling decreases, bruises disappear. This can start the return to social life. However, it will take several months for the facial tissues to heal completely. Therefore, attention should be paid to some important situations until full recovery occurs.
What Should Be Considered After Facelift Surgery?
The things to be considered after facelift surgery are as follows:
- You should never lie on your face, rest and sleep in a supine position.
- Water should not touch the face for a while.
- Mimics that can tire facial tissues should not be used for a while.
- The face corset should be used for the period recommended by the doctor.
- The face should be protected against the harmful rays of the sun.
- Do not swim in the sea or pool until full recovery is achieved.
- Doctor controls should not be disrupted.
Your doctor will inform you in detail about the processes before and after facelift and will make it easier for you to prepare for these processes.
Kocaeli Facelift Prices 2024
Kocaeli facelift surgery prices vary from person to person according to the details of the application and similar factors.