Breast Reduction Kocaeli

Breast reduction Kocaeli is a breast aesthetic surgery performed to reduce, lift and harmonize excessively large breasts with the body based on measurements such as shoulder width. Large breasts compared to body size can lead to both a saggy breast appearance and serious problems that affect daily life. These problems include complaints such as back pain, posture disorders and neck pain.

Thanks to breast reduction surgery, the aforementioned problems can be eliminated and you can have upright breasts that are compatible with body size. Since this operation is performed under anesthesia, patients do not feel pain and discomfort. In the rest of our article, we will answer questions such as “How is breast reduction surgery performed?”, “How long does breast reduction surgery take?”, “What are the processes before and after breast reduction surgery?” and “What are the benefits of breast reduction surgery?”. You can review the rest of our article to get detailed information about Kocaeli breast reduction.

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is a breast aesthetic operation performed by removing excess fat and skin tissue in the breasts. Excessively large breasts can cause both aesthetic and functional problems. These problems can manifest themselves as a breast appearance that is not compatible with the shoulders and waist, or back and neck pain. Breast reduction surgery is performed to eliminate these problems.

Why is breast reduction performed?

Breast reduction surgery is performed to eliminate aesthetic and functional problems caused by excessively large breasts. Excessively large breasts can make the daily life of the individual difficult due to the orthopedic problems they cause. In addition, they can affect the individual’s choice of clothes and cause a (usually) saggy breast appearance that is not compatible with body measurements. Breast reduction surgery is performed to eliminate these problems.

Who Can Have Breast Reduction?

The age limit for breast reduction surgery is 18. It is not recommended for younger patients to undergo breast reduction. However, individuals who are currently breastfeeding, pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the near future are advised to postpone breast reduction surgery. Thus, breast tissues can heal much more efficiently after surgery.

What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction?

The benefits of breast reduction surgery are as follows:

  • The breasts have a size proportional to the body.
  • The breasts gain an upright, youthful and attractive appearance.
  • Back and neck pain due to breast size is eliminated.
  • The hunched posture seen due to large breasts can be eliminated.

These are the advantages and benefits of breast reduction.

How Long Does Breast Reduction Take?

Breast reduction surgery is completed within 2 to 3 hours. In some patients, this time may be lower.

Is There a Breastfeeding Problem After Breast Reduction?

Breastfeeding is not a problem after breast reduction. Breast aesthetics are performed in much more advanced ways today. During these surgeries, only excess fat and skin tissues are intervened. Milk glands and milk ducts are not damaged. This does not cause problems with the individual’s ability to breastfeed her baby when she gives birth.

How is breast reduction performed?

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia in sterile operating room conditions. After the anesthesia process is completed, surgical procedures are started. The doctor removes excess fat tissues to reduce breast volume during surgery. Along with the fat tissues, the skin tissue that causes sagging is also removed with special procedures. The remaining tissues are shaped according to the patient’s wishes. Breast reduction surgery is usually performed together with breast lift. Therefore, the position of the nipples can also be rearranged in order to achieve an upright structure of the breasts. After the planned procedures are performed, the surgical incisions are closed with aesthetic sutures and the surgery is completed.

What is the Recovery Process After Breast Reduction?

After breast reduction surgery, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 nights. After this process, the patient is discharged. Within a week, breast tissues recover to a great extent. The patient can return to her daily life with the doctor’s recommendation. However, it will take up to 6 months for the breast tissues to heal completely. Therefore, during the healing process, activities that may make it difficult for the tissues to heal or damage the surgical site should not be performed. Especially at the beginning of the healing process, the recommendations given by the doctor should be carefully followed. 

What Should Be Considered After Breast Reduction?

The things to be considered after breast reduction aesthetics are as follows:

  • Breasts should not be compressed or grasped hard.
  • When sleeping or resting, a supine position should be preferred, not face down.
  • Attention should be paid to the care and hygiene of the surgical area; if an unexpected problem is observed, the doctor should be informed.
  • Until the healing process is completely over, bras recommended by the doctor should be used.
  • Do not take a shower for a few days.
  • Public places such as pools and spas can cause postoperative infections. In addition, activities such as swimming can strain the chest muscles. Therefore, it is recommended not to be in these places and not to perform strenuous physical activities until the healing process is complete.

These are the things to be considered after breast reduction surgery. Your doctor will inform you in detail about the processes before and after breast reduction.

Kocaeli Breast Reduction Prices 2024

Kocaeli breast reduction prices may vary from person to person depending on the details of the application and similar factors.