Eye Contour Aesthetics Kocaeli
Eye contour aesthetics Kocaeli is an aesthetic operation performed to regulate the tissues around the eyes, eliminate sagging eyelids and reveal the beauty of the eyes. In the rest of our article, we will answer curious questions such as “How is eye contour aesthetics performed?”, “How long does eye contour aesthetics take?”, “How is the healing process after eye contour aesthetics?” and “What is eye contour aesthetics?”. You can review the rest of our article to get detailed information about Kocaeli eye contour aesthetics.
What is Eye Contour Aesthetics?
Eye contour aesthetics is an operation performed to eliminate functional or aesthetic-based problems affecting the eyelids and around the eyes. This operation is also known as blepharoplasty or eyelid aesthetics.
Why is Eye Contour Aesthetics Performed?
Eye contour aesthetics is performed to remove sagging eyelids and eliminate bagging in the area. Eyelids may sag as a result of factors such as active use and advancing age. This sagging can also manifest itself as bagging in the lower eyelids. Thanks to eye contour aesthetics, all such problems can be eliminated.
What are the Aesthetic Problems Around the Eyes?
Eyelid sagging and eyelid bagging are the main aesthetic problems around the eyes. These can negatively affect the appearance of the eyes first and then the face. In addition to these, lines called crow’s feet wrinkles may occur around the eyes.
Is Eye Contour Aesthetics Dangerous?
Eye contour aesthetics is a small-scale operation and is not considered a dangerous application. In other words, it is not expected to develop a serious health problem or endanger the life of the individual due to this operation. However, eye contour aesthetics has some complications like every surgical procedure. The most important of these complications are swelling and bruising around the eyes, and the patient’s feeling of pain around the migration after surgery.
Does Eye Contour Aesthetics cause vision loss?
Individuals who plan to have eye contour aesthetics may be afraid of experiencing problems such as vision loss due to surgery. However, it is not possible for vision loss to occur due to eye contour aesthetics. During this operation, eye tissues, important tissues such as retina or visual nerves are not directly intervened. Therefore, it is not possible to develop vision loss as a complication of the operation.
Is Eye Contour Aesthetics Permanent?
During eye contour aesthetics, the eyelids and tissues around the eyes are surgically intervened. Therefore, the gains are not lost within a few months, as in under-eye light filling or botox around the eyes. The effects of eye contour aesthetics are quite permanent and will not be lost unless a serious infection, tissue damage or change occurs in the area.
How Long Does Eye Contour Aesthetics Take?
The duration of eye contour aesthetics may vary from person to person. This time is approximately half an hour (30 minutes) for each eye. However, some patients may have different expectations from the operation and different demands from the surgeon. Depending on these demands and expectations, a different surgery can be planned. This may also affect the duration of eye contour aesthetics.
How is Eye Contour Aesthetics Performed?
Special local anesthesia techniques are used to prevent the patient from feeling pain during eye contour aesthetics. For patients who prefer to be unconscious during surgery, local anesthesia may be accompanied by sedation, that is, deep sleep. During eye contour aesthetics, excess skin tissue and similar structures that cause sagging around the eyes are removed from the area. Bagging under the eyes is removed and problems such as eyelid sagging are completely eliminated.
What is the Recovery Process After Eye Contour Aesthetics?
The healing process after eye contour aesthetics may vary depending on the anesthesia technique with which the operation is performed and the width of the area intervened during the operation. After eye contour aesthetics, the patient usually does not need to spend the night in the hospital. Necessary dressing procedures are performed after the operation and the patient is informed in detail about the postoperative process. Patients who have undergone eye contour aesthetics are advised not to perform activities that will strain the eye tissues and eyelids after surgery. Likewise, they should not touch the area and should take care of the surgical area. The doctor may prescribe various medications for complaints such as postoperative pain and to reduce the risk of infection. These medications should be used regularly.
Kocaeli Eye Contour Aesthetics Prices 2024
Kocaeli eye contour aesthetics prices may vary from person to person in line with the details of the operation and similar factors.