Revision Rhinoplasty Kocaeli

Revision rhinoplasty Kocaeli is a secondary rhinoplasty surgery performed to remove the details that the patient does not like after rhinoplasty or to rearrange the appearance of the nose. Revision rhinoplasty can be performed with both closed rhinoplasty techniques and open rhinoplasty techniques. In the rest of our article, we will answer curious questions such as “How is revision rhinoplasty performed?”, “How long does revision rhinoplasty take?”, “How is the healing process after revision rhinoplasty?” and “What is revision rhinoplasty?”. You can review the rest of our article to get detailed information about Kocaeli revision rhinoplasty and secondary rhinoplasty.

What is Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty operation popularly known as secondary rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty. This operation can be performed to eliminate problems that were not intervened during the previous rhinoplasty or problems that developed due to the previous operation. Revision rhinoplasty is performed after the healing process of the first rhinoplasty is completed. Thus, the entire face together with the nose undergoes a holistic aesthetic evaluation. Thanks to this evaluation, a nasal appearance that overlaps with the patient’s wishes and demands and complies with general aesthetic standards and criteria can be created.

Why is Revision Rhinoplasty Performed?

Revision rhinoplasty is performed for purposes such as

  • To eliminate aesthetic problems that were not intervened in previous rhinoplasty surgery.
  • To organize the appearance of the nose, which was created by the previous rhinoplasty surgery but was not liked by the patient.
  • To eliminate aesthetic and functional-based problems that have developed during the healing process after the previous rhinoplasty surgery.
  • Revision rhinoplasty can be performed for such purposes.

Who Can Have Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty can be applied to legal age individuals who have had rhinoplasty before but are not satisfied with the results. However, it is not possible to perform this operation immediately after the first rhinoplasty. The patient must first complete the healing process of the first operation. Then, revision rhinoplasty processes can be planned with the recommendation of the doctor.

When Is Revision Rhinoplasty Performed?

There is generally no special time interval for revision rhinoplasty. However, experts recommend revision rhinoplasty to be performed at least 1 year after the previous rhinoplasty. Because in this process, the nose takes its final appearance. It is clearly seen whether the patient’s expectations from the operation are met. It is also possible to plan the revision rhinoplasty to be performed in an ideal way.

Is Revision Rhinoplasty Risky?

Revision rhinoplasty is not a riskier operation than the primary, that is, classical rhinoplasty operation. In fact, much smaller surgical procedures are usually performed during this operation. Therefore, the risks that may arise are much more minimal. Temporary swelling and bruising may occur in the nose due to revision rhinoplasty. The severity of these swelling and bruising may vary depending on the extent of the procedures performed during the operation.

How Long Does Revision Rhinoplasty Take?

The most important factor affecting the duration of revision rhinoplasty is the extent to which the relevant tissues will be intervened during surgery. For example, minor corrections can usually be completed within 1 hour. However, if the nose will be intervened with a holistic approach, the duration of the operation may extend up to 4 hours.

How is Revision Rhinoplasty Performed?

Revision rhinoplasty, like primary or primary rhinoplasty, is usually performed using general anesthesia. Under general anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain or similar discomfort during the operation. During revision rhinoplasty, two different surgical techniques can be used. The first of these is open surgery techniques and the other is closed surgery techniques. During revision rhinoplasty operations performed with open surgical techniques, a surgical incision is applied to the area in the middle of the nostrils. Then, the skin tissue in the area is removed to reach the bone and cartilage structure of the nose. Thus, the problems that develop due to the first rhinoplasty performed by the individual are eliminated, and the nose is given the aesthetic and harmonious appearance requested by the patient. 

During revision rhinoplasty performed with closed techniques, small-scale procedures are generally performed compared to open surgery. All of the procedures are performed through the nostrils. Thus, aesthetic problems are eliminated without suture marks in the outer region of the nose.

What is the Recovery Process After Revision Rhinoplasty?

The healing process after revision rhinoplasty is the most critical process of the operation. The final appearance of the nose after rhinoplasty depends on how efficient and ideal the healing process is. Because after rhinoplasty, blows to the nose, problems such as infection due to surgery and recurrent harmful behaviors affecting the surgical area can damage the appearance of the nose. Therefore, care should be taken to care for the surgical area after revision rhinoplasty. The area should not be touched frequently. Medications such as antibiotics and painkillers prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly. Thus, possible problems that may arise during the healing process are prevented and the nose regains a healthy appearance. Your doctor will inform you in detail about the things to be considered after revision rhinoplasty and similar issues.

Kocaeli Revision Rhinoplasty Prices 2024

Kocaeli revision rhinoplasty prices and revision rhinoplasty prices may vary from person to person in line with the details of the operation and similar factors.