Stem Cell Fat Injection Kocaeli

Stem cell fat injection Kocaeli is a modern fat filling technique performed in various facial and body areas to eliminate collapses and similar aesthetic problems in these areas. In the rest of our article, we will answer questions such as “How is stem cell fat injection performed?”, “What is the healing process after stem cell fat injection?”, “How long does stem cell fat injection last?” and “Why is stem cell fat injection performed?”. You can review the rest of our article to get detailed information about Kocaeli stem cell fat injection.

What is Stem Cell Fat Injection?

Stem cell fat injection is an application performed to eliminate skin collapses and create a youthful appearance in the target area. Stem cell fat injection can be performed on various facial areas and areas such as the top of the hand. The duration of permanence is longer compared to hyaluronic acid fillers and classical fat injections.

Why is Stem Cell Fat Injection Performed?

Stem cell fat injection is performed to eliminate volume loss in the target area and contribute to the rejuvenation processes of tissues. Stem cell fat injection is very successful in combating volume loss, wrinkles, blemishes and scars due to aging.

Who Can Receive Stem Cell Fat Injection?

Stem cell fat injection is usually performed on individuals who have lost subcutaneous support and volume in various areas, but who have various aesthetic problems on their skin with wear and tear. Thus, in a single procedure, both the volume loss in the area is eliminated and the regeneration of the area is contributed with the help of stem cells. The lower age limit for stem cell fat injection is 18.

Is Stem Cell Fat Injection Painful?

Stem cell fat injection is not a painful procedure. There are procedures that may cause the patient to feel pain during the preparation phase of the application and during fat injection. However, since special anesthesia applications are applied to the patient before these procedures, the patient does not feel pain or discomfort during the procedures.

What are the Benefits of Stem Cell Fat Injection?

Stem cell fat injection is a more advantageous application compared to classical fat injection and its benefits can be noticed on the skin surface within a few months following the application. The fat tissue injected into the skin during this procedure contains a large amount of stem cells. Stem cells actively help in the regeneration and rejuvenation of tissues. This ensures a youthful appearance in the target area over time.

How Long Does Stem Cell Fat Injection Take?

Stem cell fat injection includes various preparatory stages as we will mention in the rest of our article. Due to these stages, the duration of the application can vary between 1 and 6 hours. The fat injection procedure ends within minutes after the preparation phase is completed. Your doctor will inform you in detail about the duration of stem cell fat injection during the planning stage of the application.

How is Stem Cell Fat Injection Performed?

Stem cell fat injection is generally performed in three different stages. Two of these stages are also included in classical fat injection. The other is a special stage for stem cell fat injection. 

In the first stage, mini liposuction is performed on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and similar areas of the patient. An area rich in adipose tissue is selected for this procedure. Liposuction is performed painlessly with special anesthesia procedures.

In the second stage, the obtained adipose tissue undergoes a number of procedures. The stem cells in it are purified and the adipose tissue to be given to the body by fat injection is prepared. In this process, care is taken not to damage the adipose tissue and stem cells.

In the third stage, local anesthetic cream is applied to the areas where stem cell fat injection will be performed. When the effects of this cream begin, the doctor injects the fat prepared in the second stage into the relevant areas, paying attention to aesthetic criteria. Thus, the application is completed.

What is the Recovery Process After Stem Cell Fat Injection?

After stem cell fat injection, the patient is usually discharged immediately after the application. Sometimes, in cases where the application area is large and extensive, the patient may need to be hospitalized for a day. After the application, mild bruising, swelling and redness may be seen in the areas where fat injection was performed. Likewise, pain sensation may occur in the areas where both mini liposuction and fat injection were performed. The patient can use medications prescribed or recommended by his/her doctor to prevent this sensation. After the treatment, the patient should avoid intense and heavy physical activity for a while and rest ideally at home if possible. Likewise, water should not come into contact with the area where fat injection and mini liposuction were performed. The patient should inform his/her doctor about the discomforts and complications he/she experiences.

Stem Cell Fat Injection Prices 2024

Kocaeli stem cell fat injection prices may vary from person to person depending on the details of the application and similar factors.